Njeri’s Week 2 Reflection

Njeri Gachihi, ITP Past Participant Facilitator, 2016

Week 2 has come to an end. The sessions have been much more intense focusing on collection management, loans, temporary exhibitions and closing with a topical discussion on museums and community health and well-being.  It has been an excellent mix of learning in serious contemplative and interactive sessions but tinged with fun and laughter.

I must say that the participants have enjoyed a number of things outside the British Museum. The visit to the Shard, for instance was an amazing choice, since it is London’s highest view covering up to 40 miles in 360 degrees. The fact that it is sitting on soft clay is fascinating with its foundation going 53 Metres deep. After posing in front of numerous cameras and adopting countless poses and faces, it was time to leave. But not before a treat from Emma of the first Pimms this summer, this close to the sunset.

The visit to the Horniman never disappoints. It had the same effect it had on me 6 years ago. Could it be because it is the same age as the National Museums of Kenya? Is it the warmth of the staff? Is it the beautiful gardens or is it the collection? Whenever I am at the Horniman, I am home – literally. Indeed, I had the “Glimpses of the wonderful” as the words from Phillip Henry Gosse read on one of its walls.

On my part, this week has brought with it good tidings. I received a positive response from the Basrah workshop committee. I had submitted an application to run a session during the opening of this beautiful Museum in September and I am very excited as I now begin to prepare it. This is a great honour because I know I will improve my workshop delivery skills, create new networks and make new friends in Basrah. Working on this workshop feels like a beginning of what I am meant to be doing at home with the Kenya Heritage Training Institute.