World Social Media Day: A Reminder of Where to Find the ITP Online!

Written by George Peckham, ITP Assistant

Today, 30 June 2021, is World Social Media Day! This international day was launched in 2010 as a way to recognise social media’s impact on global communication. Each year, the 30 June is marked to celebrate the modern ways we connect with people around the world.

Social media has become an important tool for the International Training Programme for communicating with our global network. It allows us to share news and updates with our ITP colleagues throughout the year. We also receive updates from around the world from the ITP fellows.

As part of our recent legacy projects survey, we asked the ITP network what social media platforms they prefer and which platforms they use to engage with the ITP. The responses will be incredibly useful to us as it will help us understand what platforms are more popular with the ITP network. We will know the best ways to keep in touch with colleagues online and perhaps discover new platforms we should be using.

We aim to share the results of that survey soon. In the meantime, here are the current social media platforms the ITP uses!


We have a private Facebook group: British Museum International Training Programme

Here members can post news, photos and updates with ITP colleagues. The ITP team share news content from around the arts and heritage sector. We also participate in social media trends in our Facebook group such as #MuseumWeek and #ITP28.

We share all of our blogs and announcements in this group, so if you have Facebook and have not joined the ITP group, join us now!!


Follow us on Twitter @britmusITP

Like Facebook, we use Twitter to share all our blogs and announcements with our ITP colleagues.

Many of our UK partners and other British Museum colleagues are on Twitter, so it is a great place to keep in touch with the wider ITP community!


Follow us on Instagram @britmusITP

Instagram is our newest social media platform and is a great place to showcase photos and images from previous ITP programmes and projects. We hope to use our Instagram account as a daily photo diary of future ITP Summer Programmes and Legacy Projects.

We have images from the British Museum, from previous Summer Programmes and legacy projects and objects from the British Museum collection currently on our Instagram page. Follow us there for a trip down memory lane!


For our ITP colleagues in China, we have been using WeChat as a way to share our updates and communicate. We know that WeChat is very popular in China and launching an ITP WeChat has been incredibly successful so far.

If any of our Chinese colleagues are not yet a member of the ITP WeChat group, please get in touch and we can arrange to add you.

So there are lots of ways to communicate with the ITP network online! We’d love to know if there are any other platforms we should be using. Please get in touch if you have any suggestions!