Goodbye to WPI – Online Exhibition Update

Written by George Peckham, ITP Assistant

Last week we said goodbye and thank you to our team of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts (USA), who have completed their collaboration project with the ITP.

The team delivered an excellent presentation to their academic supervisors which detailed their work in building an online platform to exhibit Object in focus projects created by the ITP fellows.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Adam, Julianna, Emily and Anne for creating an online exhibition website which can proudly display the work created by the ITP fellows over the last decade.

Their website will allow viewers to see posters, panels, labels and object images used in Object in focus projects dating all way back from the first iteration of the project in 2010. You can search projects by ITP year and by curatorial department of the British Museum.

Now that the WPI team have created the platform, the next step will be to populate the website with all of the Object in focus projects! Stay tuned for updates on this and we cannot wait to share the website with you all.

Thank you to the fellows who helped with this project by completing the WPI team’s survey and who participated in test interviews with the team.

Many thanks again to the WPI team!