ITP China: a new film created by Yu Miao (China, ITP 2014)

As part of the launch of our new ITP website, we are excited to be sharing a new film created by ITP fellow, Yu Miao!

One of the new features we were keen to integrate into a new ITP website was films! We want to encourage more of the ITP network to create short films about their projects and collaborations with ITP as it is a great way of showcasing work remotely. 

We are very excited to have a new page dedicated to ITP films which showcases the films created by the ITP network so far. Yu Miao’s film will be the seventh and newest film we will share.

Yu Miao has made a fantastic documentary to record interviews with ITP fellows in China. In all she interviewed 36 of the ITP fellows in China. Yu Miao has collected all the interviews and edited them into a film. She has written the blog below to share the experience.

We would like to thank Yu Miao so much for her efforts in creating this fantastic film. It is wonderful to see so many members of the ITP network in China feature in this film and share their ITP experiences. We are very proud to share this film as part of our new website.

You can watch Yu Miao’s film by visiting the ITP Films page.

Written by Yu Miao, Head of Public Communication Centre, Hubei Provincial Museum, China (ITP Fellow 2014)

Dear ITP team, all of the ITP fellows and participants,

I am so grateful that the film of ITP China has been released by the ITP team, which is an opportunity to bridge ITP Chinese fellows together, and to show that the ITP has helped us profoundly and continuously.

In this film, we were able to record the ITP Chinese fellows’ achievements under the influence of the ITP.

The ITP China begun with an ideal which came up in 2017. In May of 2017, 3 years after I was selected for the 2014 ITP, I went to London attending the ITP+. It was the second time I attended the ITP, which was such an amazing experience to meet the ITP family again. It was also a great opportunity to look back and review how influential the ITP had been on me.

Four people smiling in a line smile for a photograph at a drinks reception

I spent one week in London attending the ITP+ of 2017, during that time I started to consider how to write the legacy of this lifelong training programme. I thought to do something recording our Chinese fellows having attended the ITP. By doing so, we are able to show how influential the ITP is, to pay respect to whom have helped us, to say thanks from someone who has been transformed by this profound training programme, both personally and institutionally.

With support from Claire, and sponsored by Hubei Provincial Museum. I started to contact 36 ITP Chinese Fellows from 14 museums and institutions in May of 2018. I travelled to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hangzhou to meet them. I also received videos from people whom I was unable to meet in person. It was such an amazing experience to document the ITP Chinese fellows, although I am an amateur in recording operation, however I got this project done with passion. The ITP China is a project made by all of the ITP China fellows with full of gratitude and appreciation to the ITP programme.

Two people sit and examine a museum object

It has been such a long journey since the first ITP programme was founded by the British Museum in 2006. However, we have been never far away from the ITP. The ITP has become a lifelong programme engaging with participants by providing education resources, supporting researches and events, encouraging us to go as far as our potential can carry.

It is hard to say what we would have achieved without the help of the ITP as it has really been huge influential on all of us, and I can imagine we will continue to make progress in the future.